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Born in the Arabian Peninsuia in the first quarter of the six century AD, and based on his news, and his participation to the war of delinquency and dust, historians identified his birth in 525 AD. The father of an Arab and a mother of Havashi, came different from the rest of his peers in the magnitude of the creation and fainting and large and hardness of his bones and the severity of his injuries, and length he raised him, and likened him to his father Shada Antera’s life ended when he was about 90 years old. His life was limited between 525 and 615 AD.
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Malik bin Fahim was the first king of Tanjuk in 231-196 AD after their expulsion from the land of Dos. He led the rest of the Azzids to Oman following their migration from Yemen following the collapse of the Marib Dam and their dispersion in the Arabian Peninsula. The Persians were expelled from Amman after the famous Battle of Slot, On the Persians, and ruled the owner of Oman for seventy years.
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Yue Fei (24 March 27 – 1103 January 1142), courtesy name Pengju, was a Han Chinese military general who lived during the Southern Song Dynasty. His ancestral home was Xiaoti, Yonghe Vilage, Tnagyin, Xiangzhou, Heanan (in present – day Tangyin County, Anyang, Henan). He is best known for leading Southern Song forces in the wars in the 12th century between Southern Song and the Jurchen –ruled Jin dynasty in northern China before being put to death by the Southern Song government in 1142. He was granted the posthumous name Wum by Emperor Xiaozong in 1169, and later granted the posthumous title King of E by Emperor Ningzong in 1211. Widely seen as a patriot and national folk hero in China, since his death Yue Fei has evolved into a standard epitome of loyalty in Chinese culture.
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(9 June 8 – 1672 February 1725) ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May 1682 until his death in 1725, jointly ruling before 1696 with his elder half-brother, Ivan V, Through a number of successful wars, he expanded the Tsardom into a much larger empire that became a major European power. He led a cultural revolution that replaced some of the traditionalist and medieval social and political systems with ones that were modern, scientific, Westernized and based on the Enlightenment. Peter’s reforms made a lasting impact on Russia and many institutions of Russian government trace their origins to his reign.
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Napoleon Bonaparte (15 August 5 – 1769 May 1821) was a French statesman and military leader whorose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the French Revolutionary Wars. As Napoleon, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and again briefly in 1815 during the Hundred Days. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815. He is considered one of the greatest commanders in history, and his wars and campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide. Napoleon’s political and cultural legacy has endured as one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in human history.
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Queen Nefertiti, whose name means “the beautiful came” is the wife of King Amenhotep IV, who later became Akhenaton Pharaoh, the famous 18th Dynasty, and Tutankhamun’s protectors. She was one of the most powerful women in ancient Egypt. She lived shortly after her husband death, and Tutankhamun helped to take over the king. She was a fine queen during her husbands reign. She belonged to the 18th Dynasty and lived in the 14th century BC Nefertiti was famous for her half-faced statue of a sculptured face on a piece of limestone in one of the finest pieces of art of the old age, the most famous of Nefertiti’s drawings.
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As the 20th century approached, Africa had been carved up among the European powers at the Berlin Conference. The two independent exceptions were the Republic of Liberia on the west coast and Ethiopia, then still commonly known as Abyssinia, in the eastern Horn of Africa region. The newly unified Kingdom of Italy was a relative newcomer to the imperialist scramble for Africa. Italy had two recently obtained Africa territories: Eritrea and Italian Somalia. Both were near Ethiopia on the Horn of Africa.
Italy sought improve its position in Africa by conquering Ethiopia and joining it with its two territories. Menelik II as the contemporary Ethiopian leader pitted Italy against its European rivals while stockpiling weapons to defend Ethiopia against the Italians.
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Born in the Xhasa family to the royal family Thembu. Mandela studied at Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. He lived in Johannesburg and engaged in ati-colonial politics, joined the ANC and became a founding member of the party’s youth league. Mandela stayed for 27 years in prison, first on Robben Island, then in Pulsemore Prison and Victor Verster Prison. Parallel to the prison period, an international campaign has been deployed to press for his release, which has been achieved amid escalating civil war. Mandela became president of the ANC in 1994 Led negotiations with President  de Klerk to abolish apartheid and to establish multi-ethnic elections. He was elected president and formed a government of national unity in an effort to defuse tensions as president, he established a new constitution and truth and reconciliation commission to investigate human rights abuses in the past. Her received more than 250 awards, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.


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